Prof's advice


Indeed, creating an effective e-commerce site involves a series of key measures relating to the architecture and structure of the site:

  • Speed: A fast website improves user experience and can positively impact your position in search engine results. Optimizing for speed can include reducing the size of images, using a caching system, and minimizing CSS and JavaScript codes.
  • Mobile first: With an ever-increasing number of users browsing the internet via mobile devices, a mobile-first website, i.e. one optimized for mobile devices, is essential to reach the large portion of users who use mobile phones.
  • Security: A secure site prevents data loss and protects your brand’s reputation. Using HTTPS and secure payment systems are two key ways to protect your site and your customers.
  • Effective home: The home page should clearly explain what your e-commerce offers and guide visitors towards the action you want them to take (for example, checkout).
  • Number and structure of categories: The organization of product categories should be logical and intuitive. Visitors should be able to easily find what they are looking for.

To create an effective e-commerce site, architectural measures are necessary so that the site is fast, mobile first, protected, with an effective home, with attention to the number and structuring of categories and… It explains everything to you Prof Fabrizio Barbarossa in this lesson of “The Prof’s advice” .


Lesson 10

Architecture of an e-commerce (Pt. 2)